Fast delivery times, fastest in all of Europe!
Direct from the factory, everything from our own production
to design yourself, through our online tool
Pay afterwards with Billink

Break Coins Own Design

Consumer tokens, or tokens, are the perfect means of payment during festivals. But coins are also used in the catering industry and during events because of their speed, convenience and safety for the organization and visitors. The Festival Tokens can be designed and printed by you yourself. This can be done very easily via our designer. You upload or design your own coin online and can have it printed with your logo in your own corporate identity.

Product Range





Festival coins

Payment coins or break coins have become an indispensable part of today's festivals. That is also with good reason, working with event coins provides four important benefits: It facilitates the flow of money from events clear and safe, It speeds up the checkout process at the bar, the work increasing sales for the organization and it improves your returns.

We have festival coins in the form of: break coins, consumption coins, eco coins and relief coins.

Incl. VAT Excl. VAT




