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Break coins

The break coins are the coins that people picture when they think of festivals, parties and other major events. Their popularity is due to the fact that they are ideal coins of their own designs, speed up the checkout process and increase sales. In addition, breakable coins also give organizers more freedom in setting their prices. Due to their fracture line, the coins are easy to break in two. This means that in addition to whole coins, you can also place prizes such as one and a half or two and a half coins for consumption.

Product Range





Ultimate Festival Coin

Breakable coins have become an indispensable part of festivals, parties or events. This is because break tokens give organizers more freedom in setting their prices. Which can increase the yield by 4 to 7%. In addition, it also speeds up service at the bar. This allows staff to help more customers faster. Finally, break coins are an ideal brand carrier. Because many visitors keep coins and take them home.

To order

You can order break coins from us in both small and large quantities. The coins can be printed single or double sided with your own design, artwork or sponsor. You can choose to make your coins even more attractive by having them provided with a foil. This gives the coins a nice reflection in the sunlight. Finally, you can also choose one of our themed break coins. These are available from stock and are a good alternative if you need coins quickly.

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